Coliform Bacteria - What Do They Do?
Contaminated drinking water is a major problem worldwide and unfortunately also occurs in the western hemisphere. The contamination often has quite simple causes that cannot be completely avoided. Therefore, when drinking tap water, one should also consider their own health. Contaminated drinking water can even lead to death or chronic illnesses. However, tap water can generally be consumed without concern if it has been tested for bacterial contamination beforehand.
Coliform Bacteria: A Brief Definition
Coliform bacteria are actually also found in the human intestine. However, as with all bacteria, there are different variants. One of the most well-known and common variants currently is the EHEC pathogen. This is a type of coliform bacteria that negatively impacts human health. This bacterial strain primarily originates from animal manure that accumulates in standing water and from there enters the groundwater. From that point, it enters the water cycle and can thus reach a household's utility water. Therefore, proper handling of drinking water is a crucial factor and should never be ignored.
Symptoms of an Infection
There are many coliform bacteria, and accordingly, the number of possible indicators of an infection is very diverse. However, all infections caused by coliform bacteria have one thing in common: they are intestinal diseases. This means that digestion is clearly and immediately disrupted. Bacteria in drinking water are most noticeable through the intestines, and not in a good way. Common symptoms include:
- Blood in the stool
- Prolonged diarrhea with fever
If there is blood in the stool, a doctor must be consulted immediately. Prolonged diarrhea is defined as an illness lasting longer than three days that cannot be effectively treated with home remedies. If fever also occurs, a doctor must be consulted immediately.
What Can Be Done Against Coliform Bacteria?
The most effective solution to kill bacteria is simply to boil the water. This effectively kills almost all types of bacteria, including coliform bacteria. Another alternative is the use of water purification tablets. These have the same effect and are also much easier to use. Filtering water with activated carbon filters is usually not sufficient to kill coliform bacteria and effectively purify the water. A microfilter must be used for this purpose. There are also filters that combine the benefits of both technologies.
Tenants and Homeowners Should Test Their Water Regularly
Of course, utility water is subjected to regular tests by the responsible authorities. However, contamination often occurs only in the house installation, and a test by the responsible authority can therefore only provide limited safety. Tenants and homeowners should therefore become testers themselves at regular intervals and subject their water to a thorough analysis. This increases safety and ensures that an infestation is detected and combated in a timely manner.
✔ E. coli, coliform bacteria
✔ Enterococci
✔ Risk of transmission during showering
✔ Causes Legionnaires' disease
✔ Focus on bacterial contamination
✔ For general drinking water, softeners
✔ Most common contaminants
✔ Bacteria analysis available separately