Dangerous Legionella in Water
The specific type of bacteria Legionella pneumophila from the Legionellaceae family is a particularly dangerous form of Legionella. Legionella live in water; they are gram-negative and non-spore-forming bacteria. They are human pathogens, which means they are potential disease-causing agents for humans.
The danger of Legionella in water does not lie in transmission through drinking contaminated water but through aerosolized or misted water in places such as showers, whirlpools, faucets, or cooling towers. This leads to the inhalation of aerosols infected with Legionella, which can cause severe illnesses.
In colder water, Legionella are considered harmless because the bacterial concentration is too low to cause serious harm. However, caution is needed at temperatures between 25 and 45 degrees Celsius. The pH level also plays a role in the proliferation of Legionella in water – a neutral to slightly acidic environment is optimal for them.
✔ Focus on bacterial contamination
✔ For general drinking water, softeners
✔ Risk of transmission during showering
✔ Causes Legionnaires' disease
✔ E. coli, coliform bacteria
✔ Enterococci