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Asbestos Analysis

Perform an asbestos analysis

asbestos fibers

Determine with our analysis kits whether asbestos is present in your home.

Asbestos in Building Materials

Asbestos-containing materials in older buildings can pose a serious health risk if they are damaged or deteriorated. With our test kits, you can take samples of suspicious materials yourself, which are then analyzed in our specialized laboratories.

 Easy sampling – No prior knowledge required
 Clearly understandable analysis results
 Affordable prices for lab analysis

Asbestos was used in many older buildings, often in insulation materials, floor coverings, or roof panels. If these materials are damaged or improperly handled, asbestos fibers can be released. These fibers are invisible and, when inhaled, can cause serious diseases such as lung cancer, asbestosis, or mesothelioma. Extra caution is needed during renovations or demolition of older buildings. Have suspicious materials tested for asbestos and protect yourself and your family from these health risks.

Perform an asbestos analysis

+ Asbestos - Properties, Risks, and Presence

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral composed of heat- and corrosion-resistant fibers. Due to these properties, it was widely used in the construction industry. However, inhalation of asbestos fibers can cause serious health problems such as lung cancer and asbestosis. Over 50 countries have now banned asbestos. Asbestos was used in products like pipe insulation and ceiling tiles. It primarily comes from Russia, Kazakhstan, and China. In Switzerland, asbestos has been banned since 1989. If asbestos is suspected in apartments, landlords are required to take action.
Asbestos analysis
Asbestos analysis
Cause of asbestosis
Present, among others, in Eternit

Asbestos was often used until the 1980s and can be dangerous.
CHF 124.00